When purchasing Life Insurance you may find there is a lot of information you will need to absorb. Your agent may introduce you to terminology you aren’t familiar with and what you thought would be a simple purchase becomes more of a lesson than an enjoyable moment. But if you have a good agent, they will help you navigate the insurance waters to get the best coverage.
At InsuredByGlenda.com and The Legacy Group, Inc., we specialize in three types of life insurance, Term, Permanent and Annuities. Through permanent and annuities, we’re able to set our clients up with living benefits that can used while you’re still living. To learn more, please contact us about the best solution for your situation.
An affordable life insurance option that covers you for a period of time and pays a death benefit.
Life insurance that covers you for your whole life as long as you pay the premium and provides death benefit, plus a living benefit.
Supplement your retirement income with annuities that protect your principal and gains as they grow.
If you are looking for a standard insurance option that will take the burden of sudden end of life expenses off your family, Term Life insurance is a great choice. And, we can show you a Return of Premium policy that will pay back all premium paid if you outlive the policy term.
When it comes to Permanent Life Insurance policies there are two basic types:
Whole Life Insurance is most known for its level face amount that doesn’t decrease in value over time like decreasing term life does. And, it’s a combination of providing both a death benefit and a cash value which can be used while you’re still living aka ‘living benefit’. The amount of premium you pay will be higher, but level, for the full life of the policy.
Universal Life insurance is a great choice for those looking for long-term or permanent life insurance protection. It provides a death benefit plus living benefits while building cash value at a guaranteed minimum rate and a higher rate depending on how the market performs.